Thursday, September 12, 2013

Life after ORD so far

It's almost a week since my ORD and my productivity is almost zero. Other than heading to the gym at SAFRA Jurong on alternate days, that took up the entire morning and afternoon, I stayed home to play League of Legends and watch YouTube.

School starts only next year. I can't start working part-time now as I will be flying back to Hong Kong in 2 weeks time for a month. So basically I have to remain stagnant for the time being. In other to kill time and do something for personal gain, I hit the gym and work out as much as I can.

I was shocked for a moment when I saw my left leg shrink so much. Illusion.

Am I crazy? Two weeks of gym can't make difference isn't it?
Hmm I ain't so sure about that. But I think there will at least a little loss of weight. How I wish I am back to 59kg like 2 years back. 

Got milk? I have got Maxi-Milk. Not related to Maxi-Pads. 

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