Friday, September 6, 2013

It is official! ORD LOH!

06 Sep 2013 marks the day of the transition from soldier back to civilian. I can finally shout

"ORD LOH!!!"

I will never forget how tough it was on the day I enlisted. Suffering from a high fever, I took a taxi to Pasir Ris Bus Interchange (-1 point). My parents accompanied me throughout the journey (+1). We took the shuttle service to SAF Ferry Terminal and took the Penguin Ferry into Pulau Tekong. I still remember the fresh air and beautiful resort-like ambiance of Tekong the moment I disembark from the ferry (+2 points). After taking an oath and surrendering our pink IC to the SAF, we had a meal at the cookhouse with our parents so that we can get a taste of the 'excellent' food provided. My dad helped us get our food and none of us took a second bite. In our mind was like "WTF did we just eat?!" (-1 point). Shortly after the meal, it was time to part from our parents and embark on the Basic Military Training journey. I remember nearly crying at one point. I can't get to go home and see my parents for the next few weeks (-1 point).

Thinking back, my feeling was rather neutral after enlisting (0 points so far). I was rather lucky to be in a company that focus on the welfare of the soldiers (+1 bonus point). And to make myself more at home, our company is the only building with a full sea view and you can see Changi Airport air traffic control tower from our room (+1 bonus point).

Sad to say, my days in Tekong didn't last long. I became the first to Out-Of-Course (OOC) due to a irritating, yet hilarious, skin condition - Chronological Urticaria. In simpler terms, my skin is sensitive to sunlight, heat and dust. Just a month after enlistment, I was the first man down.

Subsequently, I was posted to the transport formation in the Jurong Camp 1 which is only 10 min bus ride away from home (+2 points). This unit became my working place for the rest of the 23 months of service. There were a lot of ups and downs during my service term there. But the good things are, I get to stay-out (+1 point), I have pretty nice and crazy superiors (+1 point), I get to work in an air-conditioned office throughout the day (+1 point), considerably flexible eating timing (No points for this. Ate too much and gained too much weight), and no guard duty (+1 point). Our only regimental duty is to sit in front of the computer screen and stone.

After two years in army, many lessons were learned. Indeed there is a difference in the way I view things now as compared to when I would before enlistment. Life will never be the same (for the better). National Service (NS) life for me was not that bad after all, better than I expected (positive 8 points isn't bad).

Now that the chapter of army life has come to a closure, it is time to pen a new chapter - to go for further studies. The path ahead is uncertain, but with hope, a path will definitely be paved.

"ORD LOH! One of my best buddies I had in my NS life. Mr Chang ORD on the same day as me. Our last taxi ride from camp."

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