Friday, August 30, 2013

Oh the leaves!

At long last, I could finally clear my leave! After holding on to the final two days of paid-leave, I managed to cleared it on the final two permitted days before my ORD.

No plans on Thursday (yesterday) and I did absolutely nothing the entire day. Set my alarm at 9.30am to hit the gym, but ended up sitting around waiting for the contractors to come at 11am to fix out toilet door.

Time is more well spent today. My dad took half a day leave and our family  went out shopping. 

It's been almost a month since I last step out of the west side of Singapore. I was really tired and lazy the past few weeks. Had high tea with parents at Imperial Treasures Ion Orchard first thing when we arrived at Orchard. went walking around aimlessly after that. After exploring Ion, Isetan and Tangs (Tangs changed a lot ever since I stopped working there exactly two years back). After that we headed to Plaza Singapura to settle some telecom bills stuff. And now we really don't know where to have our dinner. 

(My sister is Ahri. I am the little brother of the Nine Tail Fox.)

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